Adventure Series: Introducing Twain's Amber Ale

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We’re proud to introduce another beer to our Adventure Series. This Amber Ale is to the craft beer scene what Mark Twain is to American Literature — Classic. We name our well-crafted collection of beers after explorers, and iconic figures in history. Here’s a little piece of Twain’s story and the discovery it will take on…

The Story

Perhaps there is no more iconic author in American Literature than Mark Twain. Born Samuel Clemens, Twain’s best known for writing the classics Mark Twain and Huckleberry Finn. But Mr. Twain has an infinite number of layers to his life’s journeys. Not only did he serve on steamboats floating down the Mississippi River, but he also worked in Nevada as a silver miner and as a journalist in San Francisco. Twain was also known for his many close friends. Among them were his next door neighbor, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and the famed abolitionist, Frederick Douglass. However, perhaps his closest friend was the uniquely talented inventor, Nikola Tesla. Tesla and Twain spent a tremendous time in Tesla’s lab and Twain counts three patents to his name. In 1909, Thomas Edison visited Twain at his home in Redding, Connecticut and filmed him. This footage was used in The Prince and the Pauper (1909) and is the only known footage of Twain.

 The Discovery

Twain’s Amber Ale is our take on one of the classic styles that was a cornerstone in the craft beer revolution in the 1980s and 1990s. It is amber in color with a reddish hue, has a medium bodied malt backbone, and utilizes the classic American hops of Centennial and Cascade that yield a nice and subdued citrus, grapefruit aroma and flavor. Twain’s Amber straddles the boundaries of a classic brew – not too malty, not too hoppy, but overall, very smooth and tasty.

The Stats

ABV 5.6%

IBU 36

Malts: Two Row, Crystal 120, Red X, Carapils

Hops: Centennial, Cascade


Sherri Johnson