Kama Hazy India Pale Ale is the Nectar of the Gods

The Story Behind the Beer

In Hindu mythology, Kama is the god of love. Closely connected to Kama is the mango – an important fruit in India with over 1000 different varieties that are not available outside India. The mango symbolizes love, pleasure and auspiciousness. Every year, love arrives with the blossoming of the mango tree. Similar to cupid, Kama tips his arrows with five flowers – the most prominent being the mango blossom and shoots his arrows to arouse love in others.

Fun fact: Siddhartha, who founded Buddhism, meditated in the shade of the mango tree to achieve enlightenment.  

The Translation to a Beer

Kama Hazy IPA is hazy in appearance with very tropical and juicy aromas. The flavors of mango, lime, and other exotic fruits are accentuated by the Norwegian Kviek strain of yeast used to ferment this beer.

Kama Hazy IPA is a potent concoction – a brew that arouses happiness and frivolity in those who imbibe. Enjoy! Get a little crazy! It is summer time!


ABV 6.8%

IBU 15

Malt: Two Row, Wheat, C-20, Oat Malt, Flaked Oats

Hops: Cryo Pop- M Blend, El Dorado, Motueka

Sherri Johnson