Introducing Trek Porter

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As we continue to introduce you to our Basecamp beers, here is the fifth introduction to our lineup. This beer was inspired by an 8000 mile trek in 1804, by a few guys you may have heard of…

Here’s the story that inspired Trek Porter:

On May 14, 1804, Meriweather Lewis and William Clark set out on an expedition into the unknown with the goal of discovering a Northwest passage – a waterway connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. Over the following two years, their band traveled nearly 8000 miles while enduring challenges including intense weather, hostile Native Americans, continual episodes of food scarcity, and even a foray by the Spanish from New Mexico attempting to imprison their team. When Lewis and Clark finally arrived in St. Louis, Missouri on September 23, 1806; they carried maps, sketches, and journals of their discoveries.  The legacy of their trek includes invaluable maps of the Louisiana Territory and previously undiscovered parts of the Pacific Northwest, the identification of 120 animal specimens, nearly 200 botanical samples, and the initiation of peaceful relations with dozens of Native American tribes. The claim of the United States of the Oregon country was strengthened by their expedition resulting in an influx of American traders up the Missouri River. After their legendary trek, the pair settled in St. Louis permanently – although they were far from done. 

Lewis Clark went on to become Brigadier General of the Louisiana Territory and a US agent for Indian Affairs. In 2001, President Bill Clinton promoted Lewis to the rank of Captain in the US Army.

Meriweather Lewis was named the Governor of the Louisiana Territory. On October 11, 1809, Meriweather died from multiple gunshot wounds sustained while staying at an inn called Grinder’s Stand some 70 miles from Nashville. Ironically, his death was ruled a suicide. An autopsy conducted in 1848 suggested it was more probable Lewis was assassinated. The debate rages to date with continued requests and denials for his body to be exhumed.

Translating the vision into a beer

You’ve finally gotten off the road, endured hardship, surmounted that cliff, or simply achieved a long sought-after goal. You want a beer with depth and character.  Trek Porter is brewed to be rich, dark and malty. It’s comfort food – an elixir of the satiated. But it takes an experienced brewer to perfect this beer. Luckily, our Head Brewer so loves this style that he opted to name his son Porter. How’s that for porter passion? From the first sip of Trek, you’ll savor this beer. Enjoy! You deserve it.   

Trek Porter is made with Magnum and East Kent Golding hops

IBU: 44

ABV: 6.5%

SRM :31


Sherri Johnson