LostAsana Yoga: Announcing Yoga with Lindsay Robertson on Wednesdays

Lindsay Robertson, Lindsay Robertson Yoga, has been teaching yoga in the Lake Norman Area for seven years.  Her practice specializes in Yoga for Athletes.

Lindsay Robertson, Lindsay Robertson Yoga, has been teaching yoga in the Lake Norman Area for seven years. Her practice specializes in Yoga for Athletes.

After several weeks of virtual TapZoom Yoga, we are finally able to open our taproom and biergarten to host LostAsana Yoga with Lindsay Robertson. You may have sweated out a session with her at Melting Point, or taken classes in the past at D9 or Primal. Now you can sip your way to Namaste every Wednesday night - rain or shine, 6:30-7:30. We’ll practice in our biergarten (bring your own mat) or if the weather isn’t cooperating, we’ll spread out in our event space) and invite everyone to stick around for a beer and a bite to eat. If you don’t already know her, meet Lindsay. She’s the undeniably hilarious, down to earth, up for anything kinda coach that will keep you coming back weekly.

Tell us about your background..

I am somewhat of a chameleon.  I have a strong sales background, having worked in food, generic pharmaceutical and medical device.  I have done everything from sales trainer to sales manager to being a Director of Marketing.  My husband and I have moved 11 times, and I also found I was good at renovating houses, and started helping contractors pick design and materials for spec homes, as well as clients who were renovating.  Next, I moved back into medical device sales and opened up my own company with a small sales force.  With the changes in health care, came changes to my commissions, so I closed up shop.  I had just finished my 200hr yoga training, and I literally never thought I would teach.  I happened to show up for a class and the teacher was missing, so the owner asked me to teach.  7 years later, here I am teaching full time.  I was recommended to Davidson College through a friend, and now I am blessed to teach PE classes there, as well as work with anywhere from 7-9 of their sports teams who now include yoga as part of their athletic training.  I have trained with the best in the industry: achieving ERYT 500 level with Yoga Alliance, and a Yoga for Athletes concentration.  This yoga path has been been truly organic for sure!  

There’s plenty of space in our biergarten for everyone who wants to enjoy yoga + beer

There’s plenty of space in our biergarten for everyone who wants to enjoy yoga + beer

You actually were one of the firsts to start brewery yoga in the Lake Norman area, tell us about that…

Years ago someone reached out to me from D9 for help teaching yoga.  There was an amazing young instructor there, Lauren-founder of Chakti Yoga, but she lived in Charlotte and she needed help.  I alternated weeks with her, and eventually took it over full time.  Then my son’s soccer practice interfered and I had to give that up.  A couple of years later, Primal Brewery reached out to me to start up yoga there.  I was pleased to get back into it, until once again soccer practice interfered!  Now, my sons are in college and I am no longer a limo service…so I’m ready to bring on Brew Yoga again, and at the brewery that is so close to me I can ride my bike!

What does LostAsana mean?

We wanted to come up with a name for the class - something exclusive to Lost Worlds Brewing. Asana means pose. LostAsana not only has a nice ring, but implies you can practice the pose (asana) and still be present while allowing yourself to be lost. We created a logo and a special yoga tank top that we think women will love. Don’t worry guys, we’re working on a yoga shirt for you as we speak!

Why do you enjoy teaching yoga at breweries?

A brewery is a fun, relaxed setting.  It is a great place to meet with some friends and relax a little.  There is a perception you need to be flexible to practice yoga in a studio, and it can be VERY intimidating to walk into this dark, quiet space and give it a try.  At the brewery my goal is to set everyone at ease, from the first time beginner to long time practitioner, and remind them it is called a yoga PRACTICE for a reason.  We practice it, we never master it.  I specialize in athletes as well, who all very tight, over worked, under rested and sometimes cranky:)  I get it.  I like to infuse some humor into the practice, so that everyone can feel successful.  I really could care less how flexible you are in your body:  let's try to work on having a flexible mind, and then the rest follows.  

What excites you most about your profession?

Oh gosh, I could go on for days!  I work mainly with college kids and private clients in this area.  I adore my Davidson College kids, and yes, I wrote “my” because I get very attached to them, just like a mother would.  It is amazing to watch the tennis player who can’t sit still for 2 minutes in the beginning of the semester, actually start to practice mediation on his own.  Or the golfer who had the tightest hips, actually go out of his way during his spring break to come practice at the studio.  I love the “ugh” moments with my clients where I know they have found something, and they learn to sit through the discomfort and find comfort.  Yoga builds community through a very weird way of breaking down social barriers and presenting everyone on an equal playing field.  There is literally a yoga practice for everyone. 

What's the best adventure you've ever been on…

That is such a hard question!!! I have been blessed with so many!  Looking at the weird environment we are in now, with the uncertainty of everything…I will say it was on my honeymoon to Nevis.  My husband and I set out on a hike in the rainforest of Nevis in the British West Indies.  We had no clue what we were getting into, and were working off of a hand made map from a local.  The “trail” takes you up the side of the volcano to the island's water source, but only after you wander through a small local village and through pastures of farm animals.  The trail went straight up, over rocks, hand and knees required, up paths that if you slipped you died.  The views were amazing, hummingbirds and birds of paradise flowers all over.  When we came down off the mountain all we could do was sit in awe and eat our cheese balls and frozen pizza (all we could afford) while sipping our cocktails.  I will always treasure that moment with him, where we really, truly felt grateful for what we had just seen.  As for epic different stuff…ATM in Belize or glacier climbing in Iceland 

What do you enjoy doing most in your free time?

I love to hike.  I would hike every weekend if I had people to go with, as it is a form of moving mediation and gives me the same relaxed feeling as yoga.  I also love being on the lake with my sons and husband, and entertaining with our friends.  LKN has been kind to us.  We have made amazing friends that have become our family here.  Oh, and my dog Lolli:  I love to play fetch with her! 

Most importantly, what's your favorite style of beer?

Vista IPA all of the way if hanging out, but a nice wheat while teaching yoga:). I am thinking the Equator and Emmer may be my new loves!

Sherri Johnson