Brewing Adventures Across the Border

Lost Worlds Assistant Brewer, Harrison Holder; Rock Hill Brewing Brewmaster, Jerod Jones; Lost Worlds Director of Brewing, David Gonzalez (DG).

Lost Worlds Assistant Brewer, Harrison Holder; Rock Hill Brewing Brewmaster, Jerod Jones; Lost Worlds Director of Brewing, David Gonzalez (DG).

Recently our Brew Crew went out to find an adventure, which landed them across state line to spend a day with our good friends at Rock Hill Brewing Company (RHBC). A few months back DG, our Director of Brewing, was out and about doing research and stopped into RHBC. He struck up a conversation with their Brewmaster, Jerod Jones, to find that our Deutsche brew systems are very similar. So, in the cooperative and fraternal spirit, Jerod invited DG and the rest of the Lost Worlds brew crew to come down and see the system in action.

It wasn’t a typical “beer collab” where two breweries get together and combine efforts that result in a new beer (though, we can confirm that one is brewing). This day embodied everything the craft industry stands for – the kind of sharing, support and encouragement that exists among craft brewers.

Our crew got to see this specific brew system in use and learn hands-on while ours is being built. It also happens that Jerod has been a big fan of DG’s work for many years and wanted to pick his brain and gain a few tid-bits from his wealth of knowledge and experience. It was a win-win way to spend the day. RHBC put a delicious beer in the tank, DG and Harrison (more to come about our new assistant brewer) got to see, and use, the brew system, and Jerod picked up some practices and procedures that will assist in his daily operations.

As we prepare to open our brewery, we are fortunate to participate in days like this, that remind us of why we choose this industry in the first place. We believe in the collaborative spirit. We believe in learning and sharing. It’s the premise that Lost Worlds Brewery was built -- helping people find their next adventure!

Sidenote: Nanner puddin’ is a thing around here, and DG’s wife, Nikki made her “secret” recipe to sweeten the day. You can tell we were all smiles (and saved some for Dave Hamme) who incorporated this tradition into brew day.

Sherri Johnson