Try a Pint of Wardour Cold IPA Today

Wardour Cold IPA takes its name from the Wardour Hoard. This hoard is a collection of over

100 copper alloy objects including tools, axe heads, chisels, sickles, spearheads, daggers, knives,

swords, scabbards, and various ornaments (razors, rings, jewelry). The flat axehead in the

oldest object in the hoard and dates to around 2200BC. This object was roughly 1500 years old

when the hoard was buried in the Late Bronze Age. The Wardour Hoard can be seen in the

Salisbury Museum in England. The objects in this hoard are particularly interesting to

archaeologists due to their state of preservation and the breadth of their utility. In many ways,

it is a glimpse into daily life of inhabitants of this area from 2200BC to 700AD.

The Translation to Beer

Cold IPA is a relatively new beer style that originated from the Northwest and was created to be

“wester” than your average West Coast IPAs. This style is a dry, firmly bitter, very pale beer that

delivers powerful hop aromas and flavors atop a clean, simple malt base. This style relies on

lager yeast and is fermented at higher temperatures than normal, but cooler than ale

fermentation temperatures.

Sherri Johnson