Behind the Beans: A Conversation with Enderly Coffee’s Founder, Tony Santoro

Meet Tony Santoro, founder of Enderly Coffee, the locally-roasted brand we are proud to serve. Tony brings his passion for exceptional coffee and his story of grit and growth to every cup we serve. From humble beginnings roasting beans in a popcorn popper to becoming one of Charlotte’s most respected roasters, Tony’s passion for coffee is as inspiring as the aroma of his freshly brewed Guatemala Quetzal roast. In this Q&A, he shares how his business began in 2012, what drew him to partner with Lost Worlds, and why he believes coffee and craft beer share a unique connection.

Tony Santoro, his wife Becky, and four children, live in Charlotte near Enderly Coffee Shop in the heart of Enderly Park.

How did you get into the coffee business - what inspired you?

Becky and I loved coffee, it got us through College (She worked at the Beaners (now Biggby) on Grand River Avenue (at our alma mater, Michigan State University).  I began roasting coffee as a hobby in my backyard in a popcorn popper.  In 2012, when I realized that I could not afford to stay as a teacher, I was looking to do something else and the thing I pursued was selling coffee around Charlotte (while working other part time jobs).  It was born out of a hobby and necessity.  

What moment led you to say “ I’m going to quit my job and do this full-time for a living?”

It was not that direct.... It was more "Im going to quit my job and give this a shot, and if I see progress than I may consider that this could be a way of making a living!" haha.  We have grown this slow and organically.  Im not a big risk taker, so I had to see it happening.  So, when my friend proposed a part-time job at his consulting company, that gave me time to try to grow my business on the side.  But in all honestly, I didn’t feel the "do this for a living" for 5-7 years... We had 5-7 years of sacrifice and HARD work.

What makes your beans so dang good?!

Obviously, there is a craft to roasting.  We have invested in our learning.  BUT I would say the secret is 12 years of trial & error.  Meaning we roast, taste, & adjust.  Then we roast, taste, share, listen, and adjust.  We repeated that for a decade and all the sudden your product "is so dang good".  We take pride on consistently tasting and adjusting — call it QC.  

Why was the partnership with Lost Worlds appealing to you?

Tony Santoro and Dave Hamme

Breweries are generally such open spaces.  They are also known in communities as "third places" similar to coffee shops.  So I always listen to ideas people have in shared spaces.  So after meeting with Dave and Sherri, learning about their values and vision, exploring their space... It made sense.  Their methodology for building the program along with their great space sounded like a project we wanted to be a part of!

What’s your favorite coffee drink of choice?  And favorite roast?

My favorite coffee drink of choice is the Oat Milk Cortado (2 oz espresso and 2 oz steamed milk).  My favorite roast is our Guatemala Quetzel single origin coffee. 

What’s you favorite style of craft beer?

I LOVE a good wheat beer, but day to day you will find me with low ABV beers.  It could be a good Lager or Czech Pilsner, but low percentage and light body is my preference.  I enjoy dry and crisp as well!  The Enterprise Blonde Ale is my current favorite from Lost Worlds!

Sherri Johnson