Cheers to Our Community of Adventurers!
Here at Lost Worlds we embrace adventure and salute our community for taking us along while we concentrate on making great beer. We love it when our friends share their photos and the places they travel, and thought you’d like to see where in world we’ve been (well our shirts anyway).
First, meet Jenna Quisenberry. She’s a big fan of Lost Worlds and has a huge adventurous spirit that we can’t help but admire. From Chichen Itza, Mexico to Juno, Alaska she always packs her Lost Worlds merch and never fails to share her stories!
Jenna has set a goal to leave the country every 6 months, the state every 3 months and her city every other month. She loves meeting new people along the way and some have become her closest friends.
On the top of her bucket list is the marble caves of Patagonia. “It’s like nowhere else in the world and it’s not an easy place to get to. Large tour companies don’t go there but that won’t stop me!”
Jenna emphasizes that she’s grown more as a person with every trip she’s taken. “Every trip I take is a new adventure and leads to more personal growth.”
Getting lost in New Guinea.
Mat Saunders always packs his brewery swag for expeditions like this one, to Norway.
We love seeing our Lost Worlds community explore the world & embark on new adventures. Be sure to share your adventures with us by tagging @lostworldsbeer and we’ll add your adventures to our archives.
Liesel Holder adventuring in Cambodia
Get out there and find your adventure!