Savor the Rich Flavors of our Vasa Baltic Porter

The Story

 On August 10, 1628, the newly completed flagship of the Swedish Navy set sail in Stockholm harbor. In front of thousands of well-wishers, she caught a strong wind and heeled to port and pushed her lower gunports below the water. She sank swiftly to a depth of 105 feet - taking 30 sailors to their deaths.

 In 1961, the nearly intact Vasa was moved to the surface after 333 years on the sea floor. Immediately, experts worked to preserve the ship which survived in the cold waters around Stockholm with minimal deterioration. Today, the Vasa exists as one of the best representations of 17th century ships. Along with a host of relics from the ship, it is open to the public at the Vasa Museum and has become the most visited museum in Scandinavia today.

 Why did the Vasa sink when it was the most advanced warship of its time? The reasons for the demise of the Vasa are identified as a combination of human error, adverse weather conditions, and overambitious design.

 Your Discovery

A Baltic Porter is a smooth, cold-fermented and cold-lagered beer brewed with lager yeast. Typically, this dark colored lager comes with a higher ABV. It has complex flavors of bready, chocolate, and even slightly roasty coffee-like flavors. This style has the malt flavors of a brown porter and the roast of a Schwarzbier, but is bigger in alcohol and body.  

 Vasa Baltic Porter recalls the dark, cold depths of the Baltic Sea. From the depths of this darkness rose the Vasa – a thing of pure beauty that represented the best workmanship of its day. Our Vasa Baltic Porter is meant to be savored with rich flavors that bring us to deeper moments of contemplation.

ABV: 7.8%

IBU: 35

Malts: Pilsner, Munich, Carapils, C-80, Midnight Wheat, Chocolate malt

Hops: Magnum, Zuper Saazer


Sherri Johnson