Meet a Key Member of our Event Staff Team, Nick Daddabbo

When you enjoy a brew or two in the taproom you really get a feel for the Lost Worlds brand. When you see us in the wild, it’s another ball game. Especially when Nick Daddabbo is on-deck at one of our many off-site events. We participate in festivals, seasonal events, and tap takeovers at wholesale accounts like Lowe’s foods, and tasting at Total Wine, to the tune of up to five a week. We run a busy business off-site, introducing our brand and out beers to future guests, and Nick is an integral part of our line-up. Meet Nick, whose name may look like a mouthful, but pronounced just as it sounds…

Tell us a little bit about yourself…

I grew up in Auburn, 35 miles outside of Syracuse NY. I moved to Charlotte in February of 2020, to get away from the snow of the Northeast after graduating from Syracuse University with my MBA. I’ve had an interest in the craft beer industry since its rise many years ago. I met Chase Craig (who leads Lost Worlds Wholesale efforts), on my first visit to the taproom. He would do his best to pronounce my last name correctly, which has always been an icebreaker. I continued to talk about the beers with him and he introduced me to Chequator (an insider’s mix of Emmer Cherry Wheat and Equator Island IPA). I met Founder, Dave Hamme, on my second visit and really felt his trueness to the business and the craft, which led me to want to try to join the team. 

 Explain your role with Lost Worlds…

I’m part of the Event staff team, a combined task of conducting tastings at Total Wine locations across the area and working off-site events.  It is a very outward facing role that allows me to share my enthusiasm not only for our beers but also our brewery. I really enjoy the social aspect of this role and the ability to share the greatness of our beers.  Meet a Key Member of our Event Staff Team, Nick Daddabbo

What trends do you see in the industry when you're out doing events and tap takeovers?

The majority of what I hear is that customers are more appreciative of the beers that are true to their styles and do not get too far away from the core type of beer by adding too many flavors. 

What are comments you hear from people when they taste Lost Worlds beers, or a new style?

Everyone who tries our beers has a smile on their face and voices their approval for the taste. Our recent Fall beers have been very popular at all of the tastings and off-site events. 

Chase Craig and Nick Daddabbo at an off-site event.

What's your favorite style of beer?

By far, my favorite is Nebra Pilsner. A close second is our Stinnes Helles Lager. However, when we have done our cask or small batch beers, the Blood Orange Vista is at the top of my list.

What's the best adventure you've ever been on?

My adventure is a little different, I play baseball competitively still here in Charlotte. I also participate in tournaments in different areas of the country, but I was able to coach and play on Doubleday Field in the shadows of the Baseball Hall of Fame. This same field was used in the movie League of Their Own and many Hall of Fame baseball players have also stood in the same batter’s box I did.  That was my best adventure, one that will be hard to top! 

Sherri Johnson