Is Lost Worlds Haunted?

Is Lost Worlds the location of a haunting? That’s the taproom rumor since Lost Worlds took over this former Blockbuster Video store. The suspicion started one day during the pandemic when the brewery encountered its first incidence of COVID. While protocols were still being determined, Founder Dave Hamme shut down the brewery and took it upon himself to complete a deep cleaning of the full brewery.  Alone in the brewery, working throughout the day and deep into the night.

“A bit after midnight, I was scrubbing the counters in the bathrooms and I heard laughter just behind me in the hallway,” says Hamme. “I was positive I was alone, so I walked into the hallway beside the row of fermenters and confirmed no one had joined me. But the laughter was so real. I then walked around the taproom, exited to the Biergarten, and continued around to the side of the building... still no one,” says Hamme.

Hamme went back into the brewery and continued working. He says he was not shaken, but just really curious. It was then that he heard the laughter again, this time followed by the sound of what he describes as kids running down the hallway.

“Again I searched and found nothing, so I returned to work. Moments later, more laughter and giggling as if a group of kids were in the taproom.” says Hamme. “At this point, I beyond exhaustion and just asked the spirits to give me a break!” he laughed.  

While the activity ceased that night, the friendly spirits continue their antics to this day.  Staff have reported a number of incidences including the childlike laughter. Adventure Guide’s routinely set up the taproom for the day and find the TV monitors are tuned to the Cartoon Network despite the system program set on other channels. Other Adventure Guides report having someone brush past them when they are alone in the brewery or strange noises after the brewery is closed. One brewer once felt a slight tug at his shorts, as if to get his attention while busy brewing.

Could Lost Worlds be haunted? We think Halloween is a good time to find out!


Sherri Johnson