Meet Adventure Guide, Chase Craig


He’s quickly becoming Lake Norman’s favorite beertender, or as we say at Lost Worlds Brewing, “Adventure Guide.”  To be one, you have to, well, be adventurous, have a bit of wanderlust and of course, love craft beer.  Check, check and check!

While Chase’s current career path is growing our base of beer lovers at the lake, he started off in the digital media world – where he worked for NBC, ESPN and in minor league baseball.  Not even his avid love of baseball could keep him off the beaten path of the beer industry, which is right where he chooses to be.

Talk about what attracted you to Lost Worlds and why you wanted to be part of this team?

I'd have to say it was the branding. I saw something unique that hadn't really been a theme within a brewery before, and I've been to 255 so I'd like to think that's saying a lot! With Lost Worlds I saw an opportunity to continue to grow in this ever-changing craft beer landscape in both the Taproom and sales arena.

 What is it about working in the craft beer industry that gets you excited to unlock the doors every day?

 Without a doubt, it's meeting the guests. Meeting new people is something I truly relish every day. There is something special about creating a regular crowd of individuals and hearing their stories that led to them walking in for a tasty brew. I say it all the time "Beer brings people together.”

 What’s the most exciting adventure you’ve been on? 

 Spending 5 months in Germany two summers ago was a life changing experience. It was my first time going to a country where English was not the first language, so I had to think quickly in situations where I was either lost or wanted a beer!

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 When you're not beertending where can we find you?

 Fishing. Since I've moved to the Carolinas I have been trying to hit at least one new lake or stream each week, whether it be from the bank or on my kayak.

I'm also an avid baseball and Miami Marlins fan and cannot wait for organized ANYTHING to come back so I can sit back and watch competition – when I’m not out fishing, that is.

 What’s your favorite style of beer?

 Tough question. I think right now I would have to say an Altbier always catches my fancy if I see it on a tap list. Having tasted some from their point of origin in Dusseldorf, I can't get enough of this maltier, yet easy drinking ale.

What are your top three favorite *Food Trucks?

 Hmmmm, I think top 3 is definitely the way to go on this. My top (and this is to make sure my Charlotte area friends don't feel slighted) is from South Florida, Savoury Eats. They always change their menu up and it is consistently outstanding. This is followed by Taco Love and Bae's Burgers. Fun fact: Bae's Burgers was a food truck I enjoyed in South Florida and they actually moved up here without my knowing it! Small world.

  *Chase is in charge of booking our Food Trucks, so if you’d like to share your favorites, he’ll try and lure them to our biergarten.

Sherri Johnson