Taproom artifacts: Flag of the Kingdom of Cambodia

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Throughout the taproom, guests will find hidden treasures from around the world. These artifacts are collected over time and support the notion of creating a space to celebrate exploration and the rich history of our country and beyond its borders.

In making your way down the small hallway to the bathroom, you may notice a red and blue flag with a large white building in the center. This flag is the current national flag of the Kingdom of Cambodia. It was originally adopted in 1948. However, it's design was adjusted multiple times over the years - most dramatically when Cambodia was renamed the Republic of Kampuchea. It reverted back to the current layout in 1993. 

The flag uses the traditional Cambodian colors of blue and red with a picture of Angkor Wat in the center. Angkor Wat is a massive temple complex in Cambodia that dates to the 12th century. The splendor of this ancient edifice has made it a popular tourist destination. 

The Cambodian flag is one of only six national flags to feature a building. The others include Afghanistan, Bolivia, Portugal, San Marino, and Spain. Although the Cambodian flag is the only one that features a building - the others use the buildings as border elements.  

Sherri Johnson