Behind the Brand: Meet our Designer, Michelle Quinn

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In this spotlight we’re taking you behind the brand, introducing you to the person responsible for the design work that goes into every asset and facet of the Lost Worlds Brewing brand. Meet Michelle Quinn, founder of Attic Design Company. She can’t remember a time when she didn’t consider herself an artist, having been brought up in a creative family. Starting out, she worked for a magazine, a national company in the transportation industry, a design firm and running the creative department at a printing company. Then in the early 90’s she launched her design firm, while also flexing her muscles in the training and teaching arena. “I’m living my best life right now,” says Quinn. “The value of the countless experiences along the way have honed my sensibilities and I’m in truly savoring where I am at.”

 What was is like creating the Lost Worlds brand from scratch?

When the Base Camp Beers were being crafted, and the stories were being released I took the time to immerse myself in the story-telling behind each beer. I was like a sponge soaking up research and development for each beer -- while reading books, articles and watching documentaries and movies. I wanted varied exposure to understand the inspiration being each style of beer. Then came the ideation phase. We initially explored more than a dozen design concepts for Vista, the first beer to be released. We needed to take into consideration all the applications and scalabilities that the brand would need to flex. It was critical that we develop the style that was not only the best fit, but would resonate with guests. We chose to adopt an approach that lends to the dynamic stories, in a graphic style that differentiates us from anything else on the market.

 How did the launch during the pandemic affect your role?

Interestingly, the pandemic was a catalyst for thoughtful pivoting. My job is to develop strategic solutions. Yes, there was a shift to work under the constant change in unprecedented territories, but the team was able to fly their true colors by pushing through each challenge without fail. I was able to use the distancing and time to heighten skills and to deeply connect with the products and services at Lost Worlds. Having much of the design work in place prior to the original planned opening, meant that when canning the beers right out of the gate, we had graphics in place to scale to a 16 ounce can format and didn’t have to scramble.

 What is the most exciting part of working on the brand?

I thoroughly enjoy working with a seasoned team of adventurers. Sherri brings finely tuned experience in content management, public relations and marketing. Dave has a business acumen and wealth of unique skills that is the foundation of the business. They, along with the rest of the team, create fertile ground for Lost Worlds Brewing to emerge solid with a unique essence. On the creative side, I am enjoying the convergence of several passions -- history, adventure, and design!

 Speaking of adventure, what’s the best adventure you have been on?

I love, love, LOVE to travel. Everything about it makes me feel more alive. From the time I board a plane I take a deep breath and shift gears into adventure mode. Although I do like to research and planning before a trip, I am always willing to abandon plans for surprise encounters along the way. Being able to have a loose structure while going with the flow of what life introduces to you is part of the experience for me. I have been to more than 17 countries in the past 10 years. Most of my favorite times, (and best photography) happens when I sneak off on my own to explore. I like to do this at sunrise when I think best and can watch a new place come alive. You can see some of my photography on flickr.

 What can we find you doing when you are not designing?

Family. Critters. Travel. Designing spaces. Naturally my family means everything to me. They are part of my purpose and joy in everything I do. My life-partner, Johnson Soares, and daughter, Quinn De Vorse, truly complete me. Johnson is my co-pilot for everything, and Quinn is the best daughter a mother could want for. She is off to college next year, so we are appreciating all the little things that we will miss when she leaves home.

 My love for design also extends to physical spaces. My most recent, and largest project was when I purchased an abandoned, boarded up building that the City of Milwaukee owned. I needed a custom Design Studio for my business with an apartment for my family. Nothing could be saved in this project -- we gutted everything. I was proud to receive a City of Milwaukee Mayor’s Award for my work. You can learn more about the project from one of the press articles and the project portfolio.

 Do you have a favorite style of beer?

I was beginning to think that beer tasted better when abroad. Afterall, a fresh pour at the Hofbräuhaus in Munich is unforgettable. But my first tasting at Lost Worlds Brewing delighted me! I had an initial flight of beer where one beer was as good as the next. I ultimately had a thirst to stick with Equator Island IPA as my go-to Basecamp beer. It was refreshing with a hint of flavor that left me wanting more. So good!

Sherri Johnson