Posts in Brewing
5 Key Takeaways from Brew Day @ Deutsche Beverage Tech

Recently, we were honored and humbled to be the guest brewery at a Brew Day event at Deutsche Beverage Technology at their headquarters in Charlotte, NC. We shared the brew stand with our new partner, Deutsche, and spent the day brewing a batch of Session Pale Ale. This truly epitomizes what the spirit of craft beer is about: camaraderie and cooperation.

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BrewingSherri Johnson
Meet David Gonzalez, our New Director of Brewing

David Gonzalez’s passion for craft beer was ignited in the mid- 1990s while working a summer job at a bottle shop on Long Island, where he was raised.  Gonzalez would sample and evaluate all the different styles of beer among the few hundred or so varieties sold in the shop.  You could say it was this initial exposure to the growing craft industry that launched his career.  Well, maybe that… and a sweatshirt.

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BrewingSherri JohnsonBeer