Cheers to the Cornelius Cycling Club!

Each week Lost Worlds welcomes local cyclists who use the brewery as their basecamp for a weeknight ride. Up to 50 riders set out from our backlot on a 20+ mile journey that begins with community and culminates with a cold brew. For a look at the path that led this group to Lost Worlds, we talked to the group founder, Jason Happe.

LW: How did you get into cycling and come to organize the Cornelius Cycling Club?

JH:  I won a nice road bicycle, sometimes referred to as 10 speeds, in a charity raffle and it sat idle in my garage for a while. I rode BMX as a kid, and some mountain bike riding as an adult, but hadn’t been into road cycling before.  I asked a former brewery in Cornelius if they would like me to head-up a cycling club that would finish at their brewery.  We started with 4 people that first night. I have been amazed at how large the group has become from cyclists in our community.

LW: How long as this group been active as a cycling club?

JH: We’ve been at it about 5-6 years. We moved from a former location to Lost Worlds to accommodate more members. Our club was also in search of a place that had food options and lots of seating for our riders and their guests.

LW: How are the rides organized and what’s the route?

JH: We have 3-4 different groups organized by speed. Each group is placed in a Peloton according to their speed.  During the ride, members are welcome to drop back to the next slower group if needed, but it is suggested you pick the group you can keep up with.

A Group – 20 mph

B Group -- 18 mph

B- Group (if needed) - 17 mph

C Group -- 14-16

We take the same route each week, that winds through neighborhoods off Jetton and Bethel Church Roads in Cornelius. It’s about 27 miles and usually takes the A Group about 1-hour and 20 mins. C Groups riders can take shortcuts, reducing the ride to 23 miles and usually finish in 2 hours or less.  

LW: What do people who want to join the ride need to know first?

JH: We start at 6pm, but as the days get shorter we start earlier and will end our weekly rides at Lost Worlds when daylight savings ends or when the clocks fall back. After that, we'll see many members on weekend rides.  The best way to keep up with us is to join our Facebook Group.  People should also know that all ages are welcome and we take safety seriously.

Join us each week and gain perks!

Here’s are a few requirements: helmet, lights, a tuned-up good working bicycle, spare tire kit and bright colored clothes encouraged. We want people to succeed, so please know your limitations. Practice up, indoor cycling is a great way to get you stamina up, watch some YouTube videos on safe cycling practices, and come on out.

LW: What's the best way to stay in-the-know on all things cycling?

JH: Cyclists can join our Facebook Group   or find our website, for information on rides and pop-ups throughout the winter. is also a great place to find ride info for the whole Charlotte area.

Sherri Johnson